Title: | An Image Processing Toolkit |
Description: | Incorporates functions for image preprocessing, filtering and image recognition. The package takes advantage of 'RcppArmadillo' to speed up computationally intensive functions. The histogram of oriented gradients descriptor is a modification of the 'findHOGFeatures' function of the 'SimpleCV' computer vision platform, the average_hash(), dhash() and phash() functions are based on the 'ImageHash' python library. The Gabor Feature Extraction functions are based on 'Matlab' code of the paper, "CloudID: Trustworthy cloud-based and cross-enterprise biometric identification" by M. Haghighat, S. Zonouz, M. Abdel-Mottaleb, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 42, no. 21, pp. 7905-7916, 2015, <doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2015.06.025>. The 'SLIC' and 'SLICO' superpixel algorithms were explained in detail in (i) "SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-art Superpixel Methods", Radhakrishna Achanta, Appu Shaji, Kevin Smith, Aurelien Lucchi, Pascal Fua, and Sabine Suesstrunk, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 34, num. 11, p. 2274-2282, May 2012, <doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2012.120> and (ii) "SLIC Superpixels", Radhakrishna Achanta, Appu Shaji, Kevin Smith, Aurelien Lucchi, Pascal Fua, and Sabine Suesstrunk, EPFL Technical Report no. 149300, June 2010. |
Authors: | Lampros Mouselimis [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Lampros Mouselimis <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.3.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-06 04:49:34 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/mlampros/openimager |
image augmentations of a matrix, data frame, array or a list of 3-dimensional arrays (where the third dimension is equal to 3)
Augmentation( image, flip_mode = NULL, crop_width = NULL, crop_height = NULL, resiz_width = 0, resiz_height = 0, resiz_method = "nearest", shift_rows = 0, shift_cols = 0, rotate_angle = 0, rotate_method = "nearest", zca_comps = 0, zca_epsilon = 0, image_thresh = 0, padded_value = 0, verbose = FALSE )
Augmentation( image, flip_mode = NULL, crop_width = NULL, crop_height = NULL, resiz_width = 0, resiz_height = 0, resiz_method = "nearest", shift_rows = 0, shift_cols = 0, rotate_angle = 0, rotate_method = "nearest", zca_comps = 0, zca_epsilon = 0, image_thresh = 0, padded_value = 0, verbose = FALSE )
image |
a matrix, data frame, array or list of 3-dimensional arrays where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
flip_mode |
a character string ('horizontal', 'vertical') |
crop_width |
an integer specifying the new width of the image, after the image is cropped. Corresponds to the image-rows. |
crop_height |
an integer specifying the new height of the image, after the image is cropped. Corresponds to the image-columns. |
resiz_width |
an integer specifying the new width of the image, after the image is resized. Corresponds to the image-rows. |
resiz_height |
an integer specifying the new height of the image, after the image is resized. Corresponds to the image-columns. |
resiz_method |
a string specifying the interpolation method when resizing an image ('nearest', 'bilinear') |
shift_rows |
a positive or negative integer specifying the direction that the rows should be shifted |
shift_cols |
a positive or negative integer specifying the direction that the columns should be shifted |
rotate_angle |
an integer specifying the rotation angle of the image |
rotate_method |
a string specifying the interpolation method when rotating an image ('nearest', 'bilinear') |
zca_comps |
an integer specifying the number of components to keep by zca whitening, when svd is performed |
zca_epsilon |
a float specifying the regularization parameter by zca whitening |
image_thresh |
the threshold parameter, by image thresholding, should be between 0 and 1 if the data is normalized or between 0-255 otherwise |
padded_value |
either a numeric value or a numeric vector of length equal to N of an N-dimensional array. If it's not equal to 0 then the values of the shifted rows or columns will be filled with the user-defined padded_value. Applies only to the shift_rows and shift_cols parameters. |
verbose |
a boolean (TRUE, FALSE). If TRUE, then the total time of the preprocessing task will be printed. |
This function takes advantage of various methods to accomplish image augmentations. The order of the preprocessing steps, in case that all transformations are applied to an image, is : 1st flip image, 2nd crop image, 3rd resize image, 4th shift rows or columns, 5th rotate image, 6th zca-whitening and 7th image-thresholding.
the output is of the same type with the input (in case of a data frame it returns a matrix)
Lampros Mouselimis
## Not run: # a matrix object = matrix(1, 10, 10) res = Augmentation(object, resiz_width = 8, resiz_height = 8, rotate_angle = 40) # an array object = array(0, dim = c(10, 10, 3)) res = Augmentation(object, resiz_width = 8, resiz_height = 8, rotate_angle = 30) # an array (multiple matrices) object = array(0, dim = c(10, 10, 10)) res = Augmentation(object, resiz_width = 8, resiz_height = 8, rotate_angle = 20) # a list of 3-dimensional arrays (where the third dimension is equal to 3) object = list(array(0, dim = c(10, 10, 3)), array(0, dim = c(10, 10, 3))) res = Augmentation(object, resiz_width = 8, resiz_height = 8, rotate_angle = 40) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # a matrix object = matrix(1, 10, 10) res = Augmentation(object, resiz_width = 8, resiz_height = 8, rotate_angle = 40) # an array object = array(0, dim = c(10, 10, 3)) res = Augmentation(object, resiz_width = 8, resiz_height = 8, rotate_angle = 30) # an array (multiple matrices) object = array(0, dim = c(10, 10, 10)) res = Augmentation(object, resiz_width = 8, resiz_height = 8, rotate_angle = 20) # a list of 3-dimensional arrays (where the third dimension is equal to 3) object = list(array(0, dim = c(10, 10, 3)), array(0, dim = c(10, 10, 3))) res = Augmentation(object, resiz_width = 8, resiz_height = 8, rotate_angle = 40) ## End(Not run)
This function calculates the average hash of an image
average_hash(gray_image, hash_size = 8, MODE = "hash", resize = "nearest")
average_hash(gray_image, hash_size = 8, MODE = "hash", resize = "nearest")
gray_image |
a (2-dimensional) matrix or data frame |
hash_size |
an integer specifying the hash size (should be less than number of rows or columns of the gray_image) |
one of 'hash' (returns the hash of the image), 'binary' (returns binary identifier of the image) |
resize |
corresponds to one of 'nearest', 'bilinear' (resizing method) |
The function is a modification of the 'average_hash' function of the imagehash package [ please consult the COPYRIGHT file ]. The average hash works in the following way : 1st convert to grayscale, 2nd, reduce the size of an image (for instance to an 8x8 image, to further simplify the number of computations), 3rd average the resulting colors (for an 8x8 image we average 64 colors), 4th compute the bits by comparing if each color value is above or below the mean, 5th construct the hash.
either a hash-string or a binary vector
image = readImage(system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR")) image = rgb_2gray(image) res_hash = average_hash(image, hash_size = 8, MODE = 'hash') res_binary = average_hash(image, hash_size = 8, MODE = 'binary')
image = readImage(system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR")) image = rgb_2gray(image) res_hash = average_hash(image, hash_size = 8, MODE = 'hash') res_binary = average_hash(image, hash_size = 8, MODE = 'binary')
convolution(image, kernel, mode = "same")
convolution(image, kernel, mode = "same")
image |
either a matrix, data frame or array |
kernel |
a kernel in form of a matrix |
mode |
the convolution mode (one of 'same', 'full') |
This function performs convolution using a kernel matrix. When mode 'same' the output object has the same dimensions with the input, whereas when mode 'full' the rows and columns of the output object equals : ROWS = nrow(image) + nrow(kernel) - 1 and COLUMNS = ncol(image) + ncol(kernel) - 1
either a matrix or an array, depending on the input data
Lampros Mouselimis
# kernel x = matrix(1, nrow = 4, ncol = 4) / 16 # uniform # matrix image_matrix = matrix(runif(100), 10, 10) res = convolution(image_matrix, x, "same") # array image_array = array(runif(300), dim = c(10, 10, 3)) res = convolution(image_array, x, "same")
# kernel x = matrix(1, nrow = 4, ncol = 4) / 16 # uniform # matrix image_matrix = matrix(runif(100), 10, 10) res = convolution(image_matrix, x, "same") # array image_array = array(runif(300), dim = c(10, 10, 3)) res = convolution(image_array, x, "same")
crop an image
cropImage(image, new_width, new_height, type = "equal_spaced")
cropImage(image, new_width, new_height, type = "equal_spaced")
image |
matrix or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
new_width |
Corresponds to the image-rows. If 'equal_spaced' then the new_width should be numeric of length 1. If 'user_defined' then the new_width should be a sequence of numeric values. |
new_height |
Corresponds to the image-columns. If 'equal_spaced' then the new_height should be numeric of length 1. If 'user_defined' then the new_height should be a sequence of numeric values. |
type |
a string specifying the type ('equal_spaced' or 'user_defined'). If 'equal_spaced' the image will be cropped towards the center (equal distances horizontaly and verticaly). If 'user_defined' the user specifies the cropped region. |
This function crops an image in two different ways.
depending on the input, either a matrix or an array
Lampros Mouselimis
path = system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) # IF 'equal_spaced': crop1 = cropImage(image, new_width = 20, new_height = 20, type = 'equal_spaced') # IF 'user_defined': crop2 = cropImage(image, new_width = 5:20, new_height = 5:20, type = 'user_defined')
path = system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) # IF 'equal_spaced': crop1 = cropImage(image, new_width = 20, new_height = 20, type = 'equal_spaced') # IF 'user_defined': crop2 = cropImage(image, new_width = 5:20, new_height = 5:20, type = 'user_defined')
This function calculates the dhash of an image
dhash(gray_image, hash_size = 8, MODE = "hash", resize = "nearest")
dhash(gray_image, hash_size = 8, MODE = "hash", resize = "nearest")
gray_image |
a (2-dimensional) matrix or data frame |
hash_size |
an integer specifying the hash size (should be less than number of rows or columns of the gray_image) |
one of 'hash' (returns the hash of the image), 'binary' (returns binary identifier of the image) |
resize |
corresponds to one of 'nearest', 'bilinear' |
The function is a modification of the 'dhash' function of the imagehash package [ please consult the COPYRIGHT file ]. In comparison to average_hash and phash, the dhash algorithm takes into consideration the difference between adjacent pixels.
either a hash-string or a binary vector
image = readImage(system.file("tmp_images", "3.jpeg", package = "OpenImageR")) image = rgb_2gray(image) res_hash = dhash(image, hash_size = 8, MODE = 'hash') res_binary = dhash(image, hash_size = 8, MODE = 'binary')
image = readImage(system.file("tmp_images", "3.jpeg", package = "OpenImageR")) image = rgb_2gray(image) res_hash = dhash(image, hash_size = 8, MODE = 'hash') res_binary = dhash(image, hash_size = 8, MODE = 'binary')
this function performs dilation or erosion to a 2- or 3- dimensional image
dilationErosion(image, Filter, method = "dilation", threads = 1)
dilationErosion(image, Filter, method = "dilation", threads = 1)
image |
a matrix, data frame or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
Filter |
a vector specifying the dimensions of the kernel, which will be used to perform either dilation or erosion, such as c(3,3) |
method |
one of 'dilation', 'erosion' |
threads |
number of cores to run in parallel ( > 1 should be used if image high dimensional ) |
This function utilizes a kernel to perform dilation or erosion. The first value of the vector indicates the number of rows of the kernel, whereas the second value indicates the number of columns.
a matrix or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) res_dilate = dilationErosion(image, Filter = c(3,3), method = 'dilation') res_erode = dilationErosion(image, Filter = c(5,5), method = 'erosion')
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) res_dilate = dilationErosion(image, Filter = c(3,3), method = 'dilation') res_erode = dilationErosion(image, Filter = c(5,5), method = 'erosion')
downsampling an image ( by a factor ) using gaussian blur
down_sample_image( image, factor, gaussian_blur = FALSE, gauss_sigma = 1, range_gauss = 2 )
down_sample_image( image, factor, gaussian_blur = FALSE, gauss_sigma = 1, range_gauss = 2 )
image |
matrix or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
factor |
a positive number greater or equal to 1.0 |
gaussian_blur |
a boolean (TRUE,FALSE) specifying if gaussian blur should be applied when downsampling |
gauss_sigma |
float parameter sigma for the gaussian filter |
range_gauss |
float number specifying the range of values for the gaussian filter |
This function downsamples an image with the option to use gaussian blur for optimal output.
depending on the input, either a matrix or an array
Lampros Mouselimis
path = system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) dsamp = down_sample_image(image, factor = 2.0, gaussian_blur = TRUE)
path = system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) dsamp = down_sample_image(image, factor = 2.0, gaussian_blur = TRUE)
edge detection (Frei_chen, LoG, Prewitt, Roberts_cross, Scharr, Sobel)
edge_detection( image, method = NULL, conv_mode = "same", approx = F, gaussian_dims = 5, sigma = 1, range_gauss = 2, laplacian_type = 1 )
edge_detection( image, method = NULL, conv_mode = "same", approx = F, gaussian_dims = 5, sigma = 1, range_gauss = 2, laplacian_type = 1 )
image |
matrix or 3-dimensional array and the third dimension must be equal to 3 |
method |
the method should be one of 'Frei_chen', 'LoG' (Laplacian of Gaussian), 'Prewitt', 'Roberts_cross', 'Scharr', 'Sobel' |
conv_mode |
the convolution mode should be one of 'same', 'full' |
approx |
if TRUE, approximate calculation of gradient (applies to all filters except for 'LoG') |
gaussian_dims |
integer specifying the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the gaussian filter |
sigma |
float parameter sigma for the gaussian filter |
range_gauss |
float number specifying the range of values for the gaussian filter |
laplacian_type |
integer value specifying the type for the laplacian kernel (one of 1, 2, 3, 4) |
This function takes either a matrix or a 3-dimensional array (where the third dimension is equal to 3) and it performs edge detection using one of the following filters : 'Frei_chen', 'LoG' (Laplacian of Gaussian), 'Prewitt', 'Roberts_cross', 'Scharr', 'Sobel'
depending on the input, either a matrix or an array
Lampros Mouselimis
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) res = edge_detection(image, method = 'Frei_chen', conv_mode = 'same')
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) res = edge_detection(image, method = 'Frei_chen', conv_mode = 'same')
flip an image row-wise (horizontally) or column-wise (vertically)
flipImage(image, mode = "horizontal")
flipImage(image, mode = "horizontal")
image |
a matrix, data frame or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
mode |
one of 'horizontal', 'vertical' |
This function flips an image row-wise or column-wise
a matrix or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") im = readImage(path) flp = flipImage(im, mode = 'vertical')
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") im = readImage(path) flp = flipImage(im, mode = 'vertical')
Gabor Feature Extraction
Gabor Feature Extraction
# init <- GaborFeatureExtract$new()
# init <- GaborFeatureExtract$new()
In case of an RGB image (3-dimensional where the third dimension is equal to 3) one can use the rgb_2gray() to convert the image to a 2-dimensional one
I added the option downsample_gabor to the original matlab code based on the following question on stackoverflow : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49119991/feature-extraction-with-gabor-filters
gabor_filter_bank(scales, orientations, gabor_rows, gabor_columns, plot_data = FALSE)
gabor_feature_extraction(image, scales, orientations, gabor_rows, gabor_columns, downsample_gabor = FALSE, plot_data = FALSE,
downsample_rows = NULL, downsample_cols = NULL, normalize_features = FALSE, threads = 1, vectorize_magnitude = TRUE)
gabor_feature_engine(img_data, img_nrow, img_ncol, scales, orientations, gabor_rows, gabor_columns, downsample_gabor = FALSE,
downsample_rows = NULL, downsample_cols = NULL, normalize_features = FALSE, threads = 1, verbose = FALSE)
plot_gabor(real_matrices, margin_btw_plots = 0.15, thresholding = FALSE)
plot_multi_images(list_images, par_ROWS, par_COLS)
GaborFeatureExtract$gabor_filter_bank( scales, orientations, gabor_rows, gabor_columns, plot_data = FALSE )
a numeric value. Number of scales (usually set to 5) ( gabor_filter_bank function )
a numeric value. Number of orientations (usually set to 8) ( gabor_filter_bank function )
a numeric value. Number of rows of the 2-D Gabor filter (an odd integer number, usually set to 39 depending on the image size) ( gabor_filter_bank function )
a numeric value. Number of columns of the 2-D Gabor filter (an odd integer number, usually set to 39 depending on the image size) ( gabor_filter_bank function )
either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then data needed for plotting will be returned ( gabor_filter_bank, gabor_feature_extraction functions )
GaborFeatureExtract$gabor_feature_extraction( image, scales, orientations, gabor_rows, gabor_columns, downsample_gabor = FALSE, plot_data = FALSE, downsample_rows = NULL, downsample_cols = NULL, normalize_features = FALSE, threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, vectorize_magnitude = TRUE )
a 2-dimensional image of type matrix ( gabor_feature_extraction function )
a numeric value. Number of scales (usually set to 5) ( gabor_filter_bank function )
a numeric value. Number of orientations (usually set to 8) ( gabor_filter_bank function )
a numeric value. Number of rows of the 2-D Gabor filter (an odd integer number, usually set to 39 depending on the image size) ( gabor_filter_bank function )
a numeric value. Number of columns of the 2-D Gabor filter (an odd integer number, usually set to 39 depending on the image size) ( gabor_filter_bank function )
either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then downsampling of data will take place. The downsample_rows and downsample_cols should be adjusted accordingly. Downsampling does not affect the output plots but the output gabor_features ( gabor_feature_extraction function )
either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then data needed for plotting will be returned ( gabor_filter_bank, gabor_feature_extraction functions )
either NULL or a numeric value specifying the factor of downsampling along rows ( gabor_feature_extraction function )
either NULL or a numeric value specifying the factor of downsampling along columns ( gabor_feature_extraction function )
either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then the output gabor-features will be normalized to zero mean and unit variance ( gabor_feature_extraction function )
a numeric value specifying the number of threads to use ( gabor_feature_extraction function )
either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then information will be printed in the console ( gabor_feature_extraction, gabor_feature_engine functions )
either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE the computed magnitude feature will be returned in the form of a vector, otherwise it will be returned as a list of matrices ( gabor_feature_extraction function )
GaborFeatureExtract$gabor_feature_engine( img_data, img_nrow, img_ncol, scales, orientations, gabor_rows, gabor_columns, downsample_gabor = FALSE, downsample_rows = NULL, downsample_cols = NULL, normalize_features = FALSE, threads = 1, verbose = FALSE )
a numeric matrix specifying the input data (gabor_feature_engine function)
an integer specifying the number of rows of the input matrix (gabor_feature_engine function)
an integer specifying the number of columns of the input matrix (gabor_feature_engine function)
a numeric value. Number of scales (usually set to 5) ( gabor_filter_bank function )
a numeric value. Number of orientations (usually set to 8) ( gabor_filter_bank function )
a numeric value. Number of rows of the 2-D Gabor filter (an odd integer number, usually set to 39 depending on the image size) ( gabor_filter_bank function )
a numeric value. Number of columns of the 2-D Gabor filter (an odd integer number, usually set to 39 depending on the image size) ( gabor_filter_bank function )
either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then downsampling of data will take place. The downsample_rows and downsample_cols should be adjusted accordingly. Downsampling does not affect the output plots but the output gabor_features ( gabor_feature_extraction function )
either NULL or a numeric value specifying the factor of downsampling along rows ( gabor_feature_extraction function )
either NULL or a numeric value specifying the factor of downsampling along columns ( gabor_feature_extraction function )
either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then the output gabor-features will be normalized to zero mean and unit variance ( gabor_feature_extraction function )
a numeric value specifying the number of threads to use ( gabor_feature_extraction function )
either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then information will be printed in the console ( gabor_feature_extraction, gabor_feature_engine functions )
GaborFeatureExtract$plot_gabor( real_matrices, margin_btw_plots = 0.65, thresholding = FALSE )
a list of 3-dimensional arrays (where the third dimension is equal to 3). These arrays correspond to the real part of the complex output matrices ( plot_gabor function )
a float between 0.0 and 1.0 specifying the margin between the multiple output plots ( plot_gabor function )
either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then a threshold of 0.5 will be used to push values above 0.5 to 1.0 ( similar to otsu-thresholding ) ( plot_gabor function )
GaborFeatureExtract$plot_multi_images( list_images, par_ROWS, par_COLS, axes = FALSE, titles = NULL )
a list containing the images to plot ( plot_multi_images function )
a numeric value specifying the number of rows of the plot-grid ( plot_multi_images function )
a numeric value specifying the number of columns of the plot-grid ( plot_multi_images function )
a boolean. If TRUE then the X- and Y-range of values (axes) will appear in the output images ( plot_multi_images function )
either NULL or a character vector specifying the main-titles of the output images. The length of this vector must be the same as the length of the input 'list_images' parameter ( plot_multi_images function )
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
GaborFeatureExtract$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
library(OpenImageR) init_gb = GaborFeatureExtract$new() # gabor-filter-bank #------------------ gb_f = init_gb$gabor_filter_bank(scales = 5, orientations = 8, gabor_rows = 39, gabor_columns = 39, plot_data = TRUE) # plot gabor-filter-bank #----------------------- plt_f = init_gb$plot_gabor(real_matrices = gb_f$gabor_real, margin_btw_plots = 0.65, thresholding = FALSE) # read image #----------- pth_im = system.file("tmp_images", "car.png", package = "OpenImageR") im = readImage(pth_im) * 255 # gabor-feature-extract #---------------------- # gb_im = init_gb$gabor_feature_extraction(image = im, scales = 5, orientations = 8, # downsample_gabor = TRUE, downsample_rows = 3, # downsample_cols = 3, gabor_rows = 39, gabor_columns = 39, # plot_data = TRUE, normalize_features = FALSE, # threads = 6) # plot real data of gabor-feature-extract #---------------------------------------- # plt_im = init_gb$plot_gabor(real_matrices = gb_im$gabor_features_real, margin_btw_plots = 0.65, # thresholding = FALSE) # feature generation for a matrix of images (such as the mnist data set) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ROWS = 13; COLS = 13; SCAL = 3; ORIEN = 5; nrow_mt = 500; im_width = 12; im_height = 15 set.seed(1) im_mt = matrix(sample(1:255, nrow_mt * im_width * im_height, replace = TRUE), nrow = nrow_mt, ncol = im_width * im_height) # gb_ex = init_gb$gabor_feature_engine(img_data = im_mt, img_nrow = im_width, img_ncol = im_height, # scales = SCAL, orientations = ORIEN, gabor_rows = ROWS, # gabor_columns = COLS, downsample_gabor = FALSE, # downsample_rows = NULL, downsample_cols = NULL, # normalize_features = TRUE, threads = 1, verbose = FALSE) # plot of multiple image in same figure #--------------------------------------- list_images = list(im, im, im) plt_multi = init_gb$plot_multi_images(list_images, par_ROWS = 2, par_COLS = 2)
library(OpenImageR) init_gb = GaborFeatureExtract$new() # gabor-filter-bank #------------------ gb_f = init_gb$gabor_filter_bank(scales = 5, orientations = 8, gabor_rows = 39, gabor_columns = 39, plot_data = TRUE) # plot gabor-filter-bank #----------------------- plt_f = init_gb$plot_gabor(real_matrices = gb_f$gabor_real, margin_btw_plots = 0.65, thresholding = FALSE) # read image #----------- pth_im = system.file("tmp_images", "car.png", package = "OpenImageR") im = readImage(pth_im) * 255 # gabor-feature-extract #---------------------- # gb_im = init_gb$gabor_feature_extraction(image = im, scales = 5, orientations = 8, # downsample_gabor = TRUE, downsample_rows = 3, # downsample_cols = 3, gabor_rows = 39, gabor_columns = 39, # plot_data = TRUE, normalize_features = FALSE, # threads = 6) # plot real data of gabor-feature-extract #---------------------------------------- # plt_im = init_gb$plot_gabor(real_matrices = gb_im$gabor_features_real, margin_btw_plots = 0.65, # thresholding = FALSE) # feature generation for a matrix of images (such as the mnist data set) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ROWS = 13; COLS = 13; SCAL = 3; ORIEN = 5; nrow_mt = 500; im_width = 12; im_height = 15 set.seed(1) im_mt = matrix(sample(1:255, nrow_mt * im_width * im_height, replace = TRUE), nrow = nrow_mt, ncol = im_width * im_height) # gb_ex = init_gb$gabor_feature_engine(img_data = im_mt, img_nrow = im_width, img_ncol = im_height, # scales = SCAL, orientations = ORIEN, gabor_rows = ROWS, # gabor_columns = COLS, downsample_gabor = FALSE, # downsample_rows = NULL, downsample_cols = NULL, # normalize_features = TRUE, threads = 1, verbose = FALSE) # plot of multiple image in same figure #--------------------------------------- list_images = list(im, im, im) plt_multi = init_gb$plot_multi_images(list_images, par_ROWS = 2, par_COLS = 2)
Gamma correction
gamma_correction(image, gamma)
gamma_correction(image, gamma)
image |
matrix or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
gamma |
a positive value |
This function applies gamma correction to a matrix or to a 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3. The gamma correction controls the overall brightness of an image.
depending on the input, either a matrix or an array
Lampros Mouselimis
path = system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) filt = gamma_correction(image, gamma = 0.5)
path = system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) filt = gamma_correction(image, gamma = 0.5)
Get Affine Transform
getAffineTransform(original_points, transformed_points)
getAffineTransform(original_points, transformed_points)
original_points |
a matrix object that corresponds to the original points |
transformed_points |
a matrix object that corresponds to the transformed points |
a matrix
require(OpenImageR) r = 600 c = 600 offset = 50 original_points = matrix(data = c(0, 0, r, 0, 0, c), nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) transformed_points = matrix(data = c(offset, 0, r, offset, 0, c-offset), nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) M_aff = getAffineTransform(original_points = original_points, transformed_points = transformed_points) M_aff
require(OpenImageR) r = 600 c = 600 offset = 50 original_points = matrix(data = c(0, 0, r, 0, 0, c), nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) transformed_points = matrix(data = c(offset, 0, r, offset, 0, c-offset), nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) M_aff = getAffineTransform(original_points = original_points, transformed_points = transformed_points) M_aff
This function takes either a matrix, array or a folder and returns either the binary hash features or the hashes (as a character vector)
hash_apply( object, rows = 28, columns = 28, hash_size = 8, highfreq_factor = 3, method = "phash", mode = "binary", threads = 1, resize = "nearest" )
hash_apply( object, rows = 28, columns = 28, hash_size = 8, highfreq_factor = 3, method = "phash", mode = "binary", threads = 1, resize = "nearest" )
object |
a matrix, a data frame, a 3-dimensional array (where the third dimension is equal to 3) or a path to a folder of files (images) |
rows |
a number specifying the number of rows of the matrix |
columns |
a number specifying the number of columns of the matrix |
hash_size |
an integer specifying the hash size. IF method = 'phash' : the hash_size * highfreq_factor should be less than number of rows or columns of the gray_image. IF method = 'dhash' or 'average_hash' : the hash_size should be less than number of rows or columns of the gray_image |
highfreq_factor |
an integer specyfing the highfrequency factor (IF method = 'phash' : the hash_size * highfreq_factor should be less than number of rows or columns of the gray_image) |
method |
one of 'phash', 'average_hash', 'dhash' |
mode |
one of 'binary', 'hash' |
threads |
the number of cores to run in parallel |
resize |
corresponds to one of 'nearest', 'bilinear' (resizing method) |
This function calculates the binary hash or the hexadecimal hash for various types of objects.
If the input is a matrix, data frame or array this function returns a matrix (if mode = 'binary') or a character vector (if mode = 'hex_hash'). If the input is a path to a folder the function returns a list of length 2, the 1st sublist is a vector with the names of the image files (the order of the files in the vector corresponds to the order of the rows of the output matrix), the 2nd sublist is a matrix (if mode = 'binary') or a character vector (if mode = 'hex_hash').
path = paste0(system.file("tmp_images", "same_type", package = "OpenImageR"), '/') res_phash = hash_apply(path, method = 'phash', mode = 'binary')
path = paste0(system.file("tmp_images", "same_type", package = "OpenImageR"), '/') res_phash = hash_apply(path, method = 'phash', mode = 'binary')
The function is a modification of the 'findHOGFeatures' function of the SimpleCV package [ please consult the COPYRIGHT file ] The function takes either an RGB (it will be converted to gray) or a gray image and returns a vector of the HOG descriptors. The main purpose of the function is to create a vector of features, which can be used in classification tasks.
HOG(image, cells = 3, orientations = 6)
HOG(image, cells = 3, orientations = 6)
image |
matrix or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
cells |
the number of divisions ( cells ) |
orientations |
number of orientation bins |
This function takes either a matrix, a data frame or a 3-dimensional array (where the third dimension is equal to 3) and returns a vector with the HOG-descriptors (histogram of oriented gradients).
a numeric vector
## Not run: path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) res = HOG(image, cells = 3, orientations = 6) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) res = HOG(image, cells = 3, orientations = 6) ## End(Not run)
calculate the HOG (Histogram of oriented gradients) for a matrix, array or a folder of images
HOG_apply( object, cells = 3, orientations = 6, rows = NULL, columns = NULL, threads = 1 )
HOG_apply( object, cells = 3, orientations = 6, rows = NULL, columns = NULL, threads = 1 )
object |
a matrix, a data frame, a 3-dimensional array (where the third dimension is equal to 3) or a path to a folder of files (images) |
cells |
the number of divisions ( cells ) |
orientations |
number of orientation bins |
rows |
a value specifying the number of rows of each image-row of the matrix (required if object is a matrix) |
columns |
a value specifying the number of columns of each image-row of the matrix (required if object is a matrix) |
threads |
the number of parallel cores to use |
This function takes as input either a matrix, a data frame, a 3-dimensional array (where the third dimension is equal to 3) or a character path to a folder of files (images). It returns the HOG-descriptors (histogram of oriented gradients) for each row (if matrix or data frame), for each array-slice (if array) or for each file (if path to a folder of images).
If the input is a matrix, data frame or array it returns a matrix of the hog descriptors. If the input is a path to a folder it returns a list of length 2, the 1st sublist is a vector with the names of the image files (the order of the files in the vector corresponds to the order of the rows of the output matrix), the 2nd sublist is the matrix of the hog descriptors.
## Not run: MATR = matrix(runif(75), ncol = 25, nrow = 5) res = HOG_apply(MATR, cells = 3, orientations = 5, rows = 5, columns = 5, threads = 1) ARRAY = array(5, dim = c(10, 10, 3)) res = HOG_apply(ARRAY, cells = 3, orientations = 6, threads = 1) FOLDER_path = paste0(system.file("tmp_images", "same_type", package = "OpenImageR"), '/') res = HOG_apply(FOLDER_path, cells = 3, orientations = 6, threads = 1) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: MATR = matrix(runif(75), ncol = 25, nrow = 5) res = HOG_apply(MATR, cells = 3, orientations = 5, rows = 5, columns = 5, threads = 1) ARRAY = array(5, dim = c(10, 10, 3)) res = HOG_apply(ARRAY, cells = 3, orientations = 6, threads = 1) FOLDER_path = paste0(system.file("tmp_images", "same_type", package = "OpenImageR"), '/') res = HOG_apply(FOLDER_path, cells = 3, orientations = 6, threads = 1) ## End(Not run)
image thresholding
image_thresholding(image, thresh)
image_thresholding(image, thresh)
image |
matrix or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
thresh |
the threshold parameter should be between 0 and 1 if the data is normalized or between 0-255 otherwise |
This function applies thresholding to a matrix or to a 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3.
a matrix
Lampros Mouselimis
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) filt = image_thresholding(image, thresh = 0.5)
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) filt = image_thresholding(image, thresh = 0.5)
This function displays an image
imageShow(file_path, clear_viewer = FALSE)
imageShow(file_path, clear_viewer = FALSE)
file_path |
if file_path is a character string, then a shiny application is utilized. If file_path is a matrix, data.frame OR a 3-dimensional array (where the third dimension is equal to 3) then the grid.raster function of the base grid package is used. |
clear_viewer |
a boolean. If TRUE then the previous image will be removed in the viewer before displaying the next one |
This function displays an image using either a character path, a 2- or a 3-dimensional object where the third dimension is equal to 3
displays an image
# path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") # imageShow(path)
# path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") # imageShow(path)
flip-rotate-crop an image and caclulate the hamming or the levenshtein distance for phash, average_hash, dhash
invariant_hash( image, new_image, method = "phash", mode = "binary", hash_size = 8, highfreq_factor = 4, resize = "nearest", flip = T, rotate = T, angle_bidirectional = 10, crop = T )
invariant_hash( image, new_image, method = "phash", mode = "binary", hash_size = 8, highfreq_factor = 4, resize = "nearest", flip = T, rotate = T, angle_bidirectional = 10, crop = T )
image |
a 2-dimensional matrix or data frame (only gray-scale images are valid) |
new_image |
a new image to be compared with the previous input image |
method |
one of 'phash', 'average_hash', 'dhash' |
mode |
one of 'binary', 'hash' |
hash_size |
an integer specifying the hash size. IF method = 'phash' : the hash_size * highfreq_factor should be less than number of floor(rows * 0.8) or floor(columns * 0.8) of the gray_image IF method = 'dhash' or 'average_hash' : the hash_size should be less than number of floor(rows * 0.8) or floor(columns * 0.8) of the gray_image |
highfreq_factor |
an integer specyfing the highfrequency factor (IF method = 'phash' : the hash_size * highfreq_factor should be less than number of floor(rows * 0.8) or floor(columns * 0.8) of the gray_image) |
resize |
corresponds to one of 'nearest', 'bilinear' (resizing method) |
flip |
if TRUE the new_image will be flipped both horizontal and vertical |
rotate |
if TRUE the new_image will be rotated for a specified angle (see angle_bidirectional) |
angle_bidirectional |
a float specifying the angle that the images should be rotated in both directions. For instance, if angle_bidirectional = 10 then the image will be rotated for 10 and 350 (360-10) degrees. |
crop |
if TRUE the new_image will be cropped 10 or 20 percent (equally spaced horizontally and vertically) |
This function performs the following transformations : flips an image (no-flip, horizonal-flip, vertical-flip), rotates an image (no-angle, angle_bidirectional, 360-angle_bidirectional) and crops an image (no-crop, 10-percent-crop, 20-percent-crop). Depending on the type of mode ('binary', 'hash'), after each transformation the hamming or the levenshtein distance between the two images is calculated.
If flip, rotate and crop are all FALSE then the function returns either the hamming distance (if mode = 'binary') or the levenshtein distance (if mode = 'hash') for the two images. If any of the flip, rotate, crop is TRUE then it returns the MIN, MAX of the hamming distance (if mode = 'binary') or the MIN,MAX of the levenshtein distance (if mode = 'hash').
## Not run: path1 = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") path2 = system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR") image1 = rgb_2gray(readImage(path1)) image2 = rgb_2gray(readImage(path2)) res1 = invariant_hash(image1, image2, hash_size = 3, flip = TRUE, crop = FALSE) res2 = invariant_hash(image1, image2, mode = 'hash', hash_size = 3, angle_bidirectional = 10) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: path1 = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") path2 = system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR") image1 = rgb_2gray(readImage(path1)) image2 = rgb_2gray(readImage(path2)) res1 = invariant_hash(image1, image2, hash_size = 3, flip = TRUE, crop = FALSE) res2 = invariant_hash(image1, image2, mode = 'hash', hash_size = 3, angle_bidirectional = 10) ## End(Not run)
convert a list of matrices to an array of matrices
List_2_Array(data, verbose = FALSE)
List_2_Array(data, verbose = FALSE)
data |
a list of matrices |
verbose |
if TRUE then the time taken to complete the task will be printed |
This is a helper function mainly for the HOG and hash functions. In case that matrices are stored in a list, this function converts the list to an array of 2-dimensional data.
an array
Lampros Mouselimis
lst = list(matrix(0, 100, 100), matrix(1, 100, 100)) arr = List_2_Array(lst, verbose = FALSE)
lst = list(matrix(0, 100, 100), matrix(1, 100, 100)) arr = List_2_Array(lst, verbose = FALSE)
loads either 2- or 3-dimensional data (where the third dimension is equal to 3) from a binary file
load_binary(path, type)
load_binary(path, type)
path |
a character string specifying a file path ( where the binary data is saved ) |
type |
a character string. Either '2d' or '3d' to indicate what kind of data data will be loaded from the specified path |
This function can be used to load either 2- or 3-dimensional data (where the third dimension is equal to 3) from a binary file. It is used in combination with the superpixels function in case that the write_slic parameter is not an empty string ("").
## Not run: library(OpenImageR) #------------------------------------------ # assuming the saved data are 2-dimensional #------------------------------------------ path = "/my_dir/data.bin" res = load_binary(path, type = '2d') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(OpenImageR) #------------------------------------------ # assuming the saved data are 2-dimensional #------------------------------------------ path = "/my_dir/data.bin" res = load_binary(path, type = '2d') ## End(Not run)
minimum and maximum values of vector, matrix, data frame or array
x |
either a vector, matrix, data frame or array |
This helper function returns the minimum and maximum values of a vector, 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional objects (where the third dimension is equal to 3). In case of a vector, matrix or data frame it returns a single value for the minimum and maximum of the object. In case of an array it returns the minimum and maximum values for each slice of the array.
a list
Lampros Mouselimis
# vector x = 1:10 res = MinMaxObject(x) # matrix x = matrix(runif(100), 10, 10) res = MinMaxObject(x) # data frame x = data.frame(matrix(runif(100), 10, 10)) res = MinMaxObject(x) # array x = array(runif(300), dim = c(10, 10, 3)) res = MinMaxObject(x)
# vector x = 1:10 res = MinMaxObject(x) # matrix x = matrix(runif(100), 10, 10) res = MinMaxObject(x) # data frame x = data.frame(matrix(runif(100), 10, 10)) res = MinMaxObject(x) # array x = array(runif(300), dim = c(10, 10, 3)) res = MinMaxObject(x)
Normalize a matrix to specific range of values
norm_matrix_range(data, min_value = -1, max_value = 1)
norm_matrix_range(data, min_value = -1, max_value = 1)
data |
a matrix |
min_value |
the new minimum value for the input data |
max_value |
the new maximum value for the input data |
a matrix
set.seed(1) mt = matrix(1:48, 8, 6) res = norm_matrix_range(mt, min_value = -1, max_value = 1)
set.seed(1) mt = matrix(1:48, 8, 6) res = norm_matrix_range(mt, min_value = -1, max_value = 1)
normalize a vector, matrix or array (in the range between 0 and 1)
x |
either a vector, matrix, data frame or array |
This is a helper function which normalizes all pixel values of the object to the range between 0 and 1. The function takes either a vector, matrix, data frame or array as input and returns a normalized object of the same type (in case of data frame it returns a matrix).
either a normalized vector, matrix, or array
Lampros Mouselimis
# vector x = 1:10 res = NormalizeObject(x) # matrix x = matrix(runif(100), 10, 10) res = NormalizeObject(x) # data frame x = data.frame(matrix(runif(100), 10, 10)) res = NormalizeObject(x) # array x = array(runif(300), dim = c(10, 10, 3)) res = NormalizeObject(x)
# vector x = 1:10 res = NormalizeObject(x) # matrix x = matrix(runif(100), 10, 10) res = NormalizeObject(x) # data frame x = data.frame(matrix(runif(100), 10, 10)) res = NormalizeObject(x) # array x = array(runif(300), dim = c(10, 10, 3)) res = NormalizeObject(x)
Padding of matrices or n-dimensional arrays with a user specified value
padding(input_data, new_rows, new_cols, fill_value = 0)
padding(input_data, new_rows, new_cols, fill_value = 0)
input_data |
either a matrix or a 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
new_rows |
an integer specifying the new rows of the output matrix or array |
new_cols |
an integer specifying the new columns of the output matrix or array |
fill_value |
a numeric value to fill the extended rows / columns of the initial input data |
The padding function returns a list, where data is the padded / extended matrix or array and padded_start, padded_end, padded_left and padded_right are integer values specifying how many rows or columsn in up-, down-, left- or right-direction the input matrix or array was padded / extended with the specified fill-value.
a list
library(OpenImageR) #------- # matrix #------- set.seed(1) mt = matrix(runif(100), 10, 10) res_mt = padding(mt, 15, 20, fill_value = -1) #------ # array #------ lst = list(matrix(1, 10, 10), matrix(2, 10, 10)) arr = List_2_Array(lst, verbose = FALSE) res_arr = padding(arr, 15, 20, fill_value = mean(as.vector(mt)))
library(OpenImageR) #------- # matrix #------- set.seed(1) mt = matrix(runif(100), 10, 10) res_mt = padding(mt, 15, 20, fill_value = -1) #------ # array #------ lst = list(matrix(1, 10, 10), matrix(2, 10, 10)) arr = List_2_Array(lst, verbose = FALSE) res_arr = padding(arr, 15, 20, fill_value = mean(as.vector(mt)))
This function calculates the phash of an image
phash( gray_image, hash_size = 8, highfreq_factor = 4, MODE = "hash", resize = "nearest" )
phash( gray_image, hash_size = 8, highfreq_factor = 4, MODE = "hash", resize = "nearest" )
gray_image |
a (2-dimensional) matrix or data frame |
hash_size |
an integer specifying the hash size (hash_size * highfreq_factor should be less than number of rows or columns of the gray_image) |
highfreq_factor |
an integer specyfing the highfrequency factor (hash_size * highfreq_factor should be less than number of rows or columns of the gray_image) |
one of 'hash' (returns the hash of the image), 'binary' (returns binary identifier of the image) |
resize |
corresponds to one of 'nearest', 'bilinear' (resizing method) |
The function is a modification of the 'phash' function of the imagehash package [ please consult the COPYRIGHT file ]. The phash algorithm extends the average_hash by using the discrete cosine transform.
either a hash-string or a binary vector
image = readImage(system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR")) image = rgb_2gray(image) res_hash = phash(image, hash_size = 6, highfreq_factor = 3, MODE = 'hash') res_binary = phash(image, hash_size = 6, highfreq_factor = 3, MODE = 'binary')
image = readImage(system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR")) image = rgb_2gray(image) res_hash = phash(image, hash_size = 6, highfreq_factor = 3, MODE = 'hash') res_binary = phash(image, hash_size = 6, highfreq_factor = 3, MODE = 'binary')
Reads images of type .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .tiff
readImage(path, ...)
readImage(path, ...)
path |
a character string specifying the path to the saved image |
... |
further arguments for the readPNG, readJPEG and readTIFF functions |
This function takes as input a string-path and returns the image in a matrix or array form. Supported types of images are .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .tiff. Extension types similar to .tiff such as .tif, .TIFF, .TIF are also supported
the image in a matrix or array form
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path)
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path)
resize an image using the 'nearest neighbors' or the 'bilinear' method
resizeImage(image, width, height, method = "nearest", normalize_pixels = FALSE)
resizeImage(image, width, height, method = "nearest", normalize_pixels = FALSE)
image |
matrix or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
width |
a number specifying the new width of the image. Corresponds to the image-rows. |
height |
a number specifying the new height of the image. Corresponds to the image-columns. |
method |
one of 'nearest', 'bilinear' |
normalize_pixels |
a boolean. If TRUE, then the output pixel values will be divided by 255.0 |
This function down- or upsamples an image using the 'nearest neighbors' or the 'bilinear' method
depending on the input, either a matrix or an array
Lampros Mouselimis
path = system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) resiz = resizeImage(image, width = 32, height = 32, method = 'nearest')
path = system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) resiz = resizeImage(image, width = 32, height = 32, method = 'nearest')
convert an RGB image to Gray
RGB_image |
a 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
This function converts an RGB image to gray
a matrix
Lampros Mouselimis
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) gray = rgb_2gray(image)
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) gray = rgb_2gray(image)
Conversion of RGB to HSV colour type
input_data |
a 3-dimensional array (RGB image) where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
Meaning: RGB (Red-Green-Blue) to HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) colour conversion
library(OpenImageR) set.seed(1) array_3d = array(sample(1:255, 675, replace = TRUE), c(15, 15, 3)) res = RGB_to_HSV(array_3d)
library(OpenImageR) set.seed(1) array_3d = array(sample(1:255, 675, replace = TRUE), c(15, 15, 3)) res = RGB_to_HSV(array_3d)
Conversion of RGB to Lab colour type
input_data |
a 3-dimensional array (RGB image) where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
Meaning: RGB (Red-Green-Blue) to LAB (Lightness, A-colour-dimension, B-colour-dimension) colour conversion
library(OpenImageR) set.seed(1) array_3d = array(sample(1:255, 675, replace = TRUE), c(15, 15, 3)) res = RGB_to_Lab(array_3d)
library(OpenImageR) set.seed(1) array_3d = array(sample(1:255, 675, replace = TRUE), c(15, 15, 3)) res = RGB_to_Lab(array_3d)
Rotate an image by 90, 180, 270 degrees
rotateFixed(image, angle)
rotateFixed(image, angle)
image |
matrix, data frame or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
angle |
one of 90, 180 and 270 degrees |
This function is faster than the rotateImage function as it rotates an image for specific angles (90, 180 or 270 degrees).
depending on the input, either a matrix or an array
path = system.file("tmp_images", "3.jpeg", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) r = rotateFixed(image, 90)
path = system.file("tmp_images", "3.jpeg", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) r = rotateFixed(image, 90)
Rotate an image by angle using the 'nearest' or 'bilinear' method
rotateImage(image, angle, method = "nearest", mode = "same", threads = 1)
rotateImage(image, angle, method = "nearest", mode = "same", threads = 1)
image |
matrix, data frame or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
angle |
specifies the number of degrees |
method |
a string specifying the interpolation method when rotating an image ( 'nearest', 'bilinear' ) |
mode |
one of 'full', 'same' (same indicates that the ouput image will have the same dimensions with initial image) |
threads |
the number of cores to run in parallel |
This function rotates an image by a user-specified angle
depending on the input, either a matrix or an array
path = system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) r = rotateImage(image, 75, threads = 1)
path = system.file("tmp_images", "2.jpg", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) r = rotateImage(image, 75, threads = 1)
Bounding box for the superpixel labels
superpixel_bbox(superpixel_labels, non_overlapping_superpixels = FALSE)
superpixel_bbox(superpixel_labels, non_overlapping_superpixels = FALSE)
superpixel_labels |
a matrix. The superpixel_labels parameter corresponds to the output labels of the superpixels function |
non_overlapping_superpixels |
either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then besides the (x,y) coordinates of each superpixel-segment (matrix), the overlapping indices for each superpixel will be returned (list). See the details section for more information |
If the non_overlapping_superpixels parameter is set to FALSE then : the superpixel_bbox function returns the bounding box for the labels of the superpixels function. The output is a matrix which contains the min and max indices of the x-y-coordinates and the corresponding unique superpixel labels.
If the non_overlapping_superpixels parameter is set to TRUE then : the superpixel_bbox function returns besides the previously explained matrix also the overlapping indices for each superpixel. These indices can be used to overwrite pixels with a specific value (say 0.0), which might appear in two superpixels simultaneously. This feature might be useful in case a user intends to use an algorithm and the separability of superpixel-segments is of importance.
Therefore in both cases overlapping superpixels will be computed, however if the non_overlapping_superpixels parameter is set to TRUE then also a list of overlapping indices will be returned.
library(OpenImageR) #----------- # read image #----------- path = system.file("tmp_images", "slic_im.png", package = "OpenImageR") im = readImage(path) im = im[,, 1:3] #-------------------- # compute superpixels #-------------------- res = superpixels(input_image = im, method = "slic", superpixel = 200, compactness = 20, return_labels = TRUE) #------------------------- # compute the bounding box #------------------------- bbox = superpixel_bbox(res$labels, non_overlapping_superpixels = FALSE) #------------------------------------------- # plot the bounding boxes of the superpixels ( for illustration purposes ) #------------------------------------------- graphics::plot(1:ncol(im), type='n', xlim = c(ncol(im), 1), ylim = c(1, nrow(im))) graphics::rasterImage( flipImage(im), 1, 1, ncol(im), nrow(im)) for (i in 1:nrow(bbox)) { # the order of the bounding box is c('xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax') graphics::rect(bbox[i,3], bbox[i,1], bbox[i,4], bbox[i,2], border = "red", lwd = 2) }
library(OpenImageR) #----------- # read image #----------- path = system.file("tmp_images", "slic_im.png", package = "OpenImageR") im = readImage(path) im = im[,, 1:3] #-------------------- # compute superpixels #-------------------- res = superpixels(input_image = im, method = "slic", superpixel = 200, compactness = 20, return_labels = TRUE) #------------------------- # compute the bounding box #------------------------- bbox = superpixel_bbox(res$labels, non_overlapping_superpixels = FALSE) #------------------------------------------- # plot the bounding boxes of the superpixels ( for illustration purposes ) #------------------------------------------- graphics::plot(1:ncol(im), type='n', xlim = c(ncol(im), 1), ylim = c(1, nrow(im))) graphics::rasterImage( flipImage(im), 1, 1, ncol(im), nrow(im)) for (i in 1:nrow(bbox)) { # the order of the bounding box is c('xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax') graphics::rect(bbox[i,3], bbox[i,1], bbox[i,4], bbox[i,2], border = "red", lwd = 2) }
Bounding box for a subset of superpixel labels
superpixel_bbox_subset(superpixel_labels, superpixel_subset)
superpixel_bbox_subset(superpixel_labels, superpixel_subset)
superpixel_labels |
a matrix. The superpixel_labels parameter corresponds to the output labels of the superpixels function |
superpixel_subset |
a numeric or integer vector specifying the subset of superpixel segments. |
This function should be utilized to return the bounding box for a subset of superpixel segments. To compute the bounding box for all superpixels use the superpixel_bbox function.
library(OpenImageR) #----------- # read image #----------- path = system.file("tmp_images", "slic_im.png", package = "OpenImageR") im = readImage(path) im = im[,, 1:3] #-------------------- # compute superpixels #-------------------- res = superpixels(input_image = im, method = "slic", superpixel = 200, compactness = 20, return_labels = TRUE) #------------------------- # compute the bounding box ( for subset of superpixels ) #------------------------- bbox = superpixel_bbox_subset(res$labels, superpixel_subset = c(0, 10, 30))
library(OpenImageR) #----------- # read image #----------- path = system.file("tmp_images", "slic_im.png", package = "OpenImageR") im = readImage(path) im = im[,, 1:3] #-------------------- # compute superpixels #-------------------- res = superpixels(input_image = im, method = "slic", superpixel = 200, compactness = 20, return_labels = TRUE) #------------------------- # compute the bounding box ( for subset of superpixels ) #------------------------- bbox = superpixel_bbox_subset(res$labels, superpixel_subset = c(0, 10, 30))
SLIC and SLICO superpixel implementations
superpixels( input_image, method = "slic", superpixel = 200, compactness = 20, return_slic_data = FALSE, return_lab_data = FALSE, return_labels = FALSE, write_slic = "", verbose = FALSE )
superpixels( input_image, method = "slic", superpixel = 200, compactness = 20, return_slic_data = FALSE, return_lab_data = FALSE, return_labels = FALSE, write_slic = "", verbose = FALSE )
input_image |
either a 2-dimensional or a 3-dimensional input image where the third dimension is equal to 3 (the range of the pixel values should be preferably in the range 0 to 255) |
method |
a character string specifying the method to use. Either "slic" or "slico" |
superpixel |
a numeric value specifying the number of superpixels to use |
compactness |
a numeric value specifying the compactness parameter. The compactness parameter is needed only if method is "slic". The "slico" method adaptively chooses the compactness parameter for each superpixel differently. |
return_slic_data |
a boolean. If TRUE then the resulted slic or slico data will be returned |
return_lab_data |
a boolean. If TRUE then the Lab data will be returned ( the Lab-colour format ) |
return_labels |
a boolean. If TRUE then the labels will be returned |
write_slic |
a character string. If not an empty string ("") then it should be a path to the output file with extension .bin ( for instance "/my_dir/output.bin" ). The data will be saved in binary format. |
verbose |
a boolean. If TRUE then information will be printed in the R session |
library(OpenImageR) #------------------- # 3-dimensional data #------------------- path = system.file("tmp_images", "slic_im.png", package = "OpenImageR") im = readImage(path) res = superpixels(input_image = im, method = "slic", superpixel = 200, compactness = 20, return_slic_data = TRUE) #------------------- # 2-dimensional data #------------------- im_2d = im[,,1] res_mt = superpixels(input_image = im_2d, method = "slic", superpixel = 200, compactness = 20, return_slic_data = TRUE)
library(OpenImageR) #------------------- # 3-dimensional data #------------------- path = system.file("tmp_images", "slic_im.png", package = "OpenImageR") im = readImage(path) res = superpixels(input_image = im, method = "slic", superpixel = 200, compactness = 20, return_slic_data = TRUE) #------------------- # 2-dimensional data #------------------- im_2d = im[,,1] res_mt = superpixels(input_image = im_2d, method = "slic", superpixel = 200, compactness = 20, return_slic_data = TRUE)
shift the position of an image by adding/subtracting a value to/from the X or Y coordinates
translation(image, shift_rows = 0, shift_cols = 0, padded_value = 0)
translation(image, shift_rows = 0, shift_cols = 0, padded_value = 0)
image |
a matrix, data frame or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
shift_rows |
a positive or negative integer specifying the direction that the rows should be shifted |
shift_cols |
a positive or negative integer specifying the direction that the columns should be shifted |
padded_value |
either a numeric value or a numeric vector of length 3 (corresponding to RGB). If it's not equal to 0 then the values of the shifted rows or columns will be filled with the user-defined padded_value |
If shift_rows is not zero then the image will be sifted row-wise (upsides or downsides depending on the sign). If shift_cols is not zero then the image will be sifted column-wise (right or left depending on the sign).
a matrix or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) res_tr = translation(image, shift_rows = 10, shift_cols = -10)
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) res_tr = translation(image, shift_rows = 10, shift_cols = -10)
uniform filter (convolution with uniform kernel)
uniform_filter(image, size, conv_mode = "same")
uniform_filter(image, size, conv_mode = "same")
image |
matrix or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
size |
a 2-item vector specifying the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the uniform kernel, e.g. c(3,3) |
conv_mode |
the convolution mode should be one of 'same', 'full' |
This function applies a uniform filter to a matrix or to a 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3
depending on the input, either a matrix or an array
Lampros Mouselimis
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) filt = uniform_filter(image, c(4,4), conv_mode = "same")
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) filt = uniform_filter(image, c(4,4), conv_mode = "same")
Verify that the input image extension is valid
verify_image_extension(image_path, regex_img = "jpe?g|png|tif$|tiff$")
verify_image_extension(image_path, regex_img = "jpe?g|png|tif$|tiff$")
image_path |
a character string specifying the path to the saved image |
regex_img |
a character string specifying the regex used to verify if the image extension is valid |
The OpenImageR package uses the 'readPNG', 'readJPEG' and 'readTIFF' R packages in the background. Thus, only image file path extensions that can be processed from these R packages should be used as input to the 'readImage' function
either the image path extension or an error
vec_img_ext = c('png', 'PNG', 'jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'tif', 'TIF', 'tiff', 'TIFF') vec_valid = sapply(vec_img_ext, function(x) { ext_iter = paste(c('example_image', x), collapse = '.') verify_image_extension(image_path = ext_iter) }) all(vec_img_ext == vec_valid)
vec_img_ext = c('png', 'PNG', 'jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'tif', 'TIF', 'tiff', 'TIFF') vec_valid = sapply(vec_img_ext, function(x) { ext_iter = paste(c('example_image', x), collapse = '.') verify_image_extension(image_path = ext_iter) }) all(vec_img_ext == vec_valid)
Warp Affine
warpAffine(img, M, R, C, threads = 1, verbose = FALSE)
warpAffine(img, M, R, C, threads = 1, verbose = FALSE)
img |
either a matrix or a 3-dimensional array (where the third dimension is equal to 3) with a range of values between 0 and 255 |
M |
a matrix corresponding to the transformation matrix |
R |
a value corresponding to the destination number of rows |
C |
a value corresponding to the destination number of columns |
threads |
an integer specifying the number of threads to run in parallel. This parameter applies only if the input "img" parameter is of type matrix. |
verbose |
a boolean. If TRUE then information will be printed in the console |
either a matrix or a 3-dimensional array (where the third dimension is equal to 3)
require(OpenImageR) path = system.file("tmp_images", "landscape.jpg", package = "OpenImageR") img = readImage(path) img = img * 255 #............................. # compute the affine transform #............................. r = ncol(img) c = nrow(img) offset = 50 original_points = matrix(data = c(0, 0, r, 0, 0, c), nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) transformed_points = matrix(data = c(offset, 0, r, offset, 0, c-offset), nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) M_aff = getAffineTransform(original_points = original_points, transformed_points = transformed_points) #.............. # 2-dimensional #.............. img_2d = rgb_2gray(img) res_2d = warpAffine(img = img_2d, M = M_aff, R = r, C = c, threads = 1, verbose = TRUE) # imageShow(res_2d) #.............. # 3-dimensional #.............. res_3d = warpAffine(img = img, M = M_aff, R = r, C = c, verbose = TRUE) # imageShow(res_3d)
require(OpenImageR) path = system.file("tmp_images", "landscape.jpg", package = "OpenImageR") img = readImage(path) img = img * 255 #............................. # compute the affine transform #............................. r = ncol(img) c = nrow(img) offset = 50 original_points = matrix(data = c(0, 0, r, 0, 0, c), nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) transformed_points = matrix(data = c(offset, 0, r, offset, 0, c-offset), nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) M_aff = getAffineTransform(original_points = original_points, transformed_points = transformed_points) #.............. # 2-dimensional #.............. img_2d = rgb_2gray(img) res_2d = warpAffine(img = img_2d, M = M_aff, R = r, C = c, threads = 1, verbose = TRUE) # imageShow(res_2d) #.............. # 3-dimensional #.............. res_3d = warpAffine(img = img, M = M_aff, R = r, C = c, verbose = TRUE) # imageShow(res_3d)
This function writes 2- or 3-dimensional image (where the third dimension is equal to 3) data to a file. Supported types are .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .tiff (or .tif, .TIFF, .TIF)
writeImage(data, file_name, ...)
writeImage(data, file_name, ...)
data |
a 2- or 3-dimensional object (matrix, data frame or array where the third dimension is equal to 3) |
file_name |
a string specifying the name of the new file |
... |
further arguments for the writePNG, writeJPEG and writeTIFF functions |
This function takes as input a matrix, data frame or array and saves the data in one of the supported image types ( .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .tiff ). Extension types similar to .tiff such as .tif, .TIFF, .TIF are also supported
a saved image file
# path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") # im = readImage(path) # writeImage(im, 'new_image.jpeg')
# path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") # im = readImage(path) # writeImage(im, 'new_image.jpeg')
this function performs zca-whitening to a 2- or 3- dimensional image
ZCAwhiten(image, k, epsilon)
ZCAwhiten(image, k, epsilon)
image |
a matrix, data frame or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3 |
k |
an integer specifying the number of components to keep when svd is performed (reduced dimension representation of the data) |
epsilon |
a float specifying the regularization parameter |
Whitening (or sphering) is the preprocessing needed for some algorithms. If we are training on images, the raw input is redundant, since adjacent pixel values are highly correlated. When using whitening the features become less correlated and all features have the same variance.
a matrix or 3-dimensional array where the third dimension is equal to 3
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) res = ZCAwhiten(image, k = 20, epsilon = 0.1)
path = system.file("tmp_images", "1.png", package = "OpenImageR") image = readImage(path) res = ZCAwhiten(image, k = 20, epsilon = 0.1)