RGF 1.1.1 (2022-09-12)
- I disabled the tests that require Python on CRAN due to the fact that I don't know beforehand which Python version is used and this leads to errors.
RGF 1.1.0 (2022-09-05)
- Upgraded roxygen2 to version 7.2.1 to fix the CRAN NOTE "Warning: missing before
RGF 1.0.9
- We've added a 'packageStartupMessage' informing the user in case of the error 'attempt to apply non-function' that he/she has to use the 'reticulate::py_config()' before loading the package (in a new R session)
RGF 1.0.8 (2021-05-07)
- We've modified the DESCRIPTION file by adding the 'Orcid' Number for the person 'Lampros Mouselimis'
- We've removed the 'maintainer' in the DESCRIPTION because this field is created automatically
- We've removed the 'LazyData' in the DESCRIPTION file that gave a NOTE on the CRAN checks
- We've converted all 'reticulate::py_available(initialize = TRUE)' to 'reticulate::py_available(initialize = FALSE)' otherwise it would give a NOTE on the CRAN tests for the Windows Operating System
- We've removed all comments from the 'package.R' file
- We've added the 'inst' folder and the 'CITATION' file to cite the software and the original articles / software
RGF 1.0.7 (2021-03-16)
- We've modified the package.R file so that messages are printed to the console whenever Python or any of the required modules is not available. Moreover, for the R-package testing the conda environment parameter is adjusted ( this applies to the RGF-team Github repository and not to the CRAN package directly )
- We've modified the .appveyor.yml file to return the artifacts in order to observe if tests ran successfully ( this applies to the RGF-team Github repository and not to the CRAN package directly )
- We've added tests to increase the code coverage.
- We've dropped support for Python 2.7
- We've fixed also the invalid URL's in the file
- We removed the 'zzz.R' file which included the message: 'Beginning from version 1.0.3 the 'dgCMatrix_2scipy_sparse' function was renamed to 'TO_scipy_sparse' and now accepts either a 'dgCMatrix' or a 'dgRMatrix' as input. The appropriate format for the 'RGF' package in case of sparse matrices is the 'dgCMatrix' format (scipy.sparse.csc_matrix)' as after 4 version updates is no longer required
- We've modified the '.onLoad' function in the 'package.R' file by removing 'reticulate::py_available(initialize = TRUE)' which forces reticulate to initialize Python and gives the following NOTE on CRAN 'Warning in system2(command = python, args = shQuote(config_script), stdout = TRUE, : ..."' had status 2' (see:
RGF 1.0.6 (2019-01-15)
- We've added the init_model parameter to the RGFRegressor and RGFClassifier
- We've added the save_model method to the RGFRegressor and RGFClassifier
- Source files were broken up into one file per exported object as of #266
- Internal calls to estimator constructors were changed to use keyword, instead of positional, arguments. #267
RGF 1.0.5 (2018-09-23)
The RGF R package was integrated in the home repository of the Regularized Greedy Forest (RGF) library (
- We downgraded the minimum required version of R to 3.2.0
- We modified / formatted the R files
RGF 1.0.4 (2018-07-22)
- We modified the license from GPL-3 to MIT to go in accordance with the new structure of the rgf_python package. The package includes two files : LICENSE (for the RGF R package) and LICENSE.note (for the RGF, FastRGF and rgf_python packages).
- We added the following new features of RGF estimators : feature_importances_ and dump_model()
- We modified the file and especially the installation instructions for all operating systems (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows)
- We created an R6 class (Internal_class) for all secondary functions which are used in RGF and FastRGF
RGF 1.0.3 (2018-05-10)
- The dgCMatrix_2scipy_sparse function was renamed to TO_scipy_sparse and now accepts either a dgCMatrix or a dgRMatrix as input. The appropriate format for the RGF package in case of sparse matrices is the dgCMatrix format (scipy.sparse.csc_matrix)
- We added an onload.R file to inform the users about the previous change
- Due to the previous changes we modified the Vignette and the tests too
RGF 1.0.2 (2018-04-14)
We commented the example(s) and test(s) related to the dgCMatrix_2scipy_sparse function [ if (["sysname"] != 'Darwin') ], because the scipy-sparse library on CRAN is not upgraded and the older version includes a bug (TypeError : could not interpret data type). This leads to an error on Mac OS X ( reference : ).
RGF 1.0.1 (2018-02-26)
We added links to the GitHub repository (master repository, issues).
RGF 1.0.0 (2018-02-13)
Initial version.