fastText 1.0.4 (2024-02-17)
- I added a figure to the file showing the differences between static and contextualised word embeddings
fastText 1.0.3 (2022-10-08)
- I added a test case for the 'language_identification()' function (see Github issue:
- I added the 'verbose' parameter to the C++ functions of the 'src/' file that did not take any variables as input to avoid the CRAN WARNING 'function declaration isn't a prototype [-Wstrict-prototypes]'
fastText 1.0.2 (2022-04-07)
- I added the URL and BugReports fields in the DESCRIPTION file
- I updated the documentation of the print_parameters() function
- I updated the details section of the fasttext_interface() function regarding the output parameter which exists in the named list that is passed to the list_params parameter of the fasttext_interface() function. Although this output parameter is a file path (and not a directory name) it will be saved in both .vec and .bin file name extensions.
fastText 1.0.1 (2021-05-27)
- I fixed the LTO (Link Optimization Error) - Additional Issues - by replacing the qnorm variable with qnorm_param in the Rcpp files
- I modified the quantize function in the Rcpp file to return the .ftz file by specifying the exact file path
- I adjusted the Examples section of the fasttext_interface function and the testthat tests to account for the changes in the quantize function
- I fixed a bug of the fasttext_interface function related to parameters that do not take a value
fastText 1.0.0 (2021-05-14)
- I've added the CITATION file in the 'inst' directory
- I've added the language_identification() function
- 20-04-2021 : I've added the pre-trained language identification model lid.176.ftz which can be downloaded from In the same website exists also the lid.176.bin model which is bigger in size, faster and slightly more accurate.
- 14-07-2019 : I fixed typos in vignette and modified the plot_progress_logs() function because it threw an error of the form : line 1 did not have 11 elements ( I added the fill = TRUE parameter to the utils::read.table() function to account for NA's as described in a stackoverflow issue )